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Miyerkules, Setyembre 21, 2011

Norse Mythology Deities

Norse Mythology

Norse mythology refers to the pre-christian belief system of the Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Icelandic peoples. Sometimes called Scandinavian mythology or Viking mythology, it was an oral religion transmitted in the form of poetry and stories.

The Norse mythology we know of today comes mainly from the Icelandic Eddas and saga's which were not written down until several centuries after christianisation of the north.

Name Description
Aegir Ship-Bane God of the Sea
Alfheim Part of Asgard inhabited by the light elves
Asgard The realm of the gods
Ask Name of the first man created, from a fallen tree
Balder God of the Summer Sun, Dying and Tears
Bifrost The Rainbow Bridge, bridge of the gods
Bil Goddess of Weaving
Bragi God of Poetry
Eir Goddess of Healing
Embla Name of the first woman created, from a fallen tree
Forseti God of Justice
Frey God of Fertility and Crops
Freya Goddess of Love and Night
Frigg Odins wife. Supreme goddess
Fulla The handmaiden and Frigg's messenger
Gefjon Goddess of Virgins
Gungnir Odin's magic spear
Heimdall the Watcher Guardian of Asgard
Hel Goddess of the Underworld
Also the name of the land of the dead
Hodur God of Night
Idun Goddess of Imortality
Jotunheim Home of the giants
Loki the Trickster God of Mischief and Evil
Midgard The world of men
Muspelheim The world of fire
Naglfar The ship made out of dead men's nails
Niflheim The world of ice
Nidavellir Home of the dwarves
Norns Three goddesses of Destiny:

Urd - Fate
Skuld - Being
Verdandi - Necessity
Njord of the Beautiful Feet God of the Wind and Sea, also God of Chariots
Odin Supreme god. God of Battle, Inspiration and Death
Ran Goddess of the Drowned
Ragnorak The final battle between gods and giants,
in which virtually all life will be destroyed
Sif Wife of Thor; her golden hair was cut off by loki
Sleipnir Odin's eight-legged horse
Skadi Goddess of Skis
Svartalfheim Home of the dark elves
Thor God of Thunder
Tyr the One Handed God of War
Ull God of Archery
Valhalla Hall of Asgard where Odin welcomed the souls of heroes killed in battle
Valkyries Handmaidens of Odin who chose men doomed to die in battle.

Brynhild, Geironul, Geirskogul, Goll, Gondul, Gunn, Guth, Herfjotur, Hervor, Hild, Hlathguth, Hlokk, Hrist, Mist, Olrun, Randgrith, Reginleif, Sigrdrifa, Sigrun, Skeggjold, Skogul, Skuld, Svava, Thruth.
Vanaheim Home of the Vanir
Volva Seeresses
Yggdrasill The World Tree, an Ash tree linking all the worlds
Ymir Giant from whose body the world was formed

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